A Tank Review – The Fat Rabbit by Hellvape




Hello everyone Pizza Dave here, delivering a review of the Fat Rabbit sub-ohm tank by Hellvape and the Vaping Heathen. I know that he has gotten a bad rap as of late, since he essentially dropped off the map and only comes out when he has a new product out, but I am writing this review anyway. I am a fan of the Dead Rabbit atomizers, as when they were released, they really changed the game in a lot of ways. This brought in a ton of copies or similar plays on the design, and it sold a ton everywhere. The Drop Dead is also something I enjoy, but the RTA to me was one of the biggest bombs ever. Let’s get right to it eh?

Disclaimer: This device was sent to me by Healthcabin for review.



  • 1 Fat Rabbit Tank
  • 1 2mL straight glass
  • 1 5mL bubble glass
  • 1 .15-ohm quad-coil
  • 1 .2-ohm mesh coil
  • 1 Hellvape sticker – WHOOP WHOOP!
  • Spare O-rings
  • Paperwork
  • MEASUREMENTS – 25mm at the base, 28mm width, and 35mm tall

Available in matte black, gunmetal, black, stainless, and rainbow.






Out of the box the first thing that jumped out was the size. This is a 28mm atomizer and is properly named indeed. It is fat all over. Top is chunky, glass is chunky, and the base is chunky. The short and wide stature looks great in my opinion, and it is an aesthetic that works well on wider mods for sure. Everything feels snug, with the top and bottom airflow perhaps being a little too snug. They definitely stay put once set, and even the top cap is quite tight.



The Fat Rabbit comes with two different coils. One of them is a single mesh coil and the other is a quad-round coil. In case these coils are not available locally, you can always run out and use baby beast compatible coils, as these are easy to come by.



The Fat Rabbit uses a traditional screw off top. It has fine threads, but once all of that unscrewing is done, it reveals some of the largest fill ports I have ever seen. These things are MASSIVE, making it about as mess free as possible. I can’t complain about this at all.



Air flow on this tank is what sets it apart from just about every sub-ohm tank out there. It has bottom AND top air flow, which opens up a large range of air flow. When both are wide open this has the same feel as breathing normal air. I found that closing the top air flow way down and the bottom to half was all I needed. Surprisingly, the top air flow isn’t ungodly turbulent, but it adds a noticeable whoosh to the airflow sound.









Ok, so this is fat, and kind of unique. Top and bottom airflow, kind of a neat idea, but then they tossed baby beast coils in. Great for compatibility, but not great for surface area. I found that this tank vapes about the same as every other baby beast style tank out there. The top and bottom air flow gimmick can be chucked out the window, because I found the top to be no gain other than some minor tweaking to air flow feel and when slightly opened it seemed to smooth some turbulence somehow. The mesh coil I started with had great flavor, but after I first vaped it and let it sit, the entire tank drained out the bottom air flow. I took it apart and could not find any noticeable O-ring damage or reasons for this leak. I filled it again, because apparently, I am a glutton for punishment. It did the same thing about 10 minutes time. I tossed in the quad-coil and was able to vape this one until its end, which was roughly 4 refills before I started to get burned flavor. Like I said, this is just another baby beast tank. The only thing I can say that I really like about this is the look and the huge refill ports. Beyond that it is nothing to get excited about.


If this were to accidentally go into the pizza oven would I go out and get another? Nope.



  • Looks cool to me
  • Large refill ports
  • Baby beast coil compatibility, so coils are easy to find



  • Mesh coil leaked terribly, so I hardly got to test
  • Coil life was not great
  • Top and bottom air flow is a gimmick. Having both serves no great advancement to the vape experience.
  • Air flow rings are super tight



Thank you everyone for reading my review and thank you to Healthcabin for sending this my way for review. They have them listed for about $24.



Pizza Dave – delivering real reviews with no extra toppings



REVIEW CRITERIA: I use each item extensively for about two weeks to ensure I have collected enough data to adequately write a review. I use the same e liquid in tanks or rdas throughout all my reviews to ensure that I am comparing apples to apples between all modern equipment. I do not post reviews until I feel confident that I have used all products enough to give an educated review. The reason I started doing reviews was due to poor purchasing decisions in my vaping infancy about two years ago. Back then, I purchased several different pieces of hardware without really enjoying them and I hope my reviews can guide people into spending their hard-earned money more wisely than I did! ****Keep in mind that some items I receive may be pre-release and not in retail packaging. Quality may be less than the finished product and what is in the package may differ from the retail package as well.


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