Dovpo Across Hazard RTA Review by Petushkov

Dovpo Across Hazard RTA Review by Petushkov-Cover

How long I have not had served atomizers on the table …

And finally, he “came out”, and moreover, he is not just serviced, but using BB Bridge as this served part. The latter, in turn, are the heart of the Boro tanks. I propose to talk about the demand for such a solution at the end, well, we will meet in detail.

The manufacturer, by the way, sent me a sample, but then he was not yet in the release version, therefore, this clearly did not pull to the review. But the shops naturally do not suffer from such a “garbage” – full Set to your attention from

  • Building material: stainless steel + plastic
  • Type atomizer: RTA
  • Compatibility: BB Bridges (there are restrictions)
  • Capacity: 4ml
  • Diameter: 23mm planting / 24mm maximum
  • Height: 45.4mm with a drip type
  • Connector: 510, Pin is gilded
  • Weight: 51.4g in full configuration
  • Color: see the photo below
  • Hazard RTA
  • Hazard RBA (BB Bridge - Prevented)
  • Intravial spirals 2pcs
  • Spare origins
  • Spare screws
  • Spare silicone plug
  • Spare plug for RBA
  • Exchange nozzles of blowing 5pcs (one preinstalled)
  • User guide

We start getting to know the appearance. The device turned out to be the original without exaggeration – I will not say that this is directly “wow the effect”, but it still turned out quite pretty and peculiar. A lot of metal, separated by a plastic flask, rolling, logo, a step cover – all this is added to a quite pleasant bow of a medium -sized atomizer. Only two shades are available – the “most” classic.

Drip type – let’s start with the fact that it is integrated into the lid, or rather in the upper part of the tank. The second – it is metal – I don’t even know that this is “worse”. Then I will explain-I do not “digest completely metal drips of types-it is unaesthetic somehow, and heating can make itself felt sooner or later. Although the copy itself came out quite convenient – by the way, the “hole” inside is noble – it does not fit a little with the orientation of the tank. But there is a way out-moreover, it seems to me, the most successful from the point of view of the orientation of the device-the standard 510th analogues are very well installed in this drip type. Yes, it looks so -so, but we have at least it)))

The refueling is lateral-the upper one-you just need to raise the metal pad … and put it somewhere)) and then also uncork the silicone plug. The guys were puffed up – moreover, it is completely incomprehensible why. The process, in principle, is not uncomfortable, but why, if everything could be organized much easier. The ring sits confidently, it is also comfortable to shoot it, but the folding of the plug is not the most convenient. The hole under it is standard – medium – you will not miss. However, the plug preinstalled from the box all the time dumped from the tank with a ruff. After the inspection, it was revealed that she had no long strap, which is surprisingly available to the spare. The anticipating your comments – he was not inside the tank – he was not cut off. Here, of course, you can change the first one to the spare, then the problem is solved – whether the question is long…

Spaces are quite normal (by the way, by the way, with Boro tanks) for single (modest, by the way) of use. The flask, as already said, plastic ones – the threads are cut directly in it – not the most practical solution. Especially considering the fact that the spare copy includes is not listed, and the device is imprisoned under the frequent change of breeches. I was also embarrassed by Oring, marked in the photo with an arrow. Everything is in order with him, but he strives to jump out with each breecha extraction – we must follow this! So in my photo he sits out of place – his location at the output of the type of drip type – a special groove is executed there for him.

The time has come for a complete Bridge, which, by the way, can be used in any Boro tank. Speaking of the compatibility of our hero with similar ones, the manufacturer gives such an infographics as a guideline. Looking ahead, we can say that with 95% compatibility the manufacturer is clearly cunning. And the point is not only in the “dimensions / structure” of the Bridge, but also in the form of his pin.

So, the complete bridge is completely collapsible, plastic plugs on the sides fix its served part “tightly”. Inside the tank, it is held at the expense of the orins – no leaks during the tests were detected. The internal diameter of the mine is 4mm, the internal processing of the dome is more like a spherical one. From below, the standard 510th connector-there is no need for a similar adapter for maintenance.

RBA is naturally quite small, but not as much as it might seem. The kit includes coiles with a diameter of 2.5mm, but 3mm spiral can also fit here-naturally without fanaticism. The constructive is quite simple – a pair of racks for proper fixation of only one spiral wound in any direction (the screws are rearranged under the desired direction). The distance between the racks is approximately 5.5mm. The screws are quite small, plus there is no tool for maintenance. However, they were surprisingly decent – this is rather in a compartment with racks. The fixation of the spiral at a time – at the end, the screws stretch the spiral a little, therefore it is better to fix the latter with the tiller inserted. You need to cut the excess legs directly under the root – the dome in “dangerous proximity”!

With cotton wool, everything is quite simple – the tails are laid in the grooves, and cut along the border of the canals (can be 1mm longer). Vata should not be sorry – the channels are quite spacious – it is better that the cotton does not walk inside, because it has a lower recharge. By the way, the leisure liquid from the tank does not collect the constructive. Snotty sometimes “met”, but only after prolonged downtime.

As for the blowing – here it is the lower classic. The adjustment of the tightening intensity is achieved due to interchangeable snot, which the manufacturer offers as many as 5pcs of different throughput. The latter can be replaced by hot, even without a tool. The outlet of the snot rises above the bottom of the base – the condensate should not get inside, although the last shallow bath surrounds. As for the tightness of the tightening – yes, here you can get a fairly dense cigarette puff, well, and on large nozzles we have a natural RDL – no more.

And this is how we get access to the lower part of RBA – “from here” a change of snot is made – just do not tighten them especially strongly, because the bridge inside will begin to turn. As you understand, the base of the tank is completely collapsible, the internal connector that flies with the Bridge is springy.

In addition, the manufacturer also provides for external blower adjustment with a standard ring at the base of the tank – there is a stop and full overlap. Its move is moderately tight – the setting does not get down, on the other hand, it is not particularly convenient to do it due to the constructive and smoothness of the metal. Naturally, in this way it is only possible to correct the intensity of blowing – such an option will certainly not be particularly, given that some breeches are not equipped with sopel sets. It is worth noting right there that the tightening on completely open holes turned out to be noisy-the level is not directly “non-fragile”, but someone can annoy.

Well, now about the unpleasant-for sure in the photo above, attentive readers noticed “abnormally” a sticking plus pin from the 510th connector. It is, as it were, pressed into the base, but it is not fully inserted – not to the desired value. The curiosity is that it was precisely because of such his wrong landing that I could not start the tank. That is, a bidge starts up separately, but only I mount it in a tank – I get a “atomizer check”. The reason, as you understand, is banal – Pin Bridge simply does not reach Ping on the base. There is, alas, a marriage that every respectful manufacturer is simply obliged to not allow. I just couldn’t get down to “setting up”, because the task is still deeper to put it deeper.

It remains to talk about the taste of a complete Bridge. I liked him a lot more than the tank in the end – the taste for a strong four, perhaps even with a plus. The steam density is pleasant, the tightening is also clear, knocked down. The only thing is TX practically not felt, therefore, a cigarette can be obtained from it only by light. The destiny of this RBA, in my opinion, is a DTL style of soaring.


This is probably one of the most contradictory specimens that I found on my table. For the idea or originality of the idea of developers, I definitely praise, non -standard decisions have always attracted my attention. However, I still have not formed the expediency of such a project. Yes, it’s cool that, in fact, you have a universal device in which you can install different breeches. But let me, all the same can be done on any AIO Boro format-I doubt very much that Boro lovers dreamed of the possibility of using breeches on the 510th Connector. But still, in any case, the copy is interesting and has the right to exist.

In general, the device came out good, but as for me, he has a lot of shortcomings. Among other things, I note the integrated drip type, not the most convenient refueling, threads in flask plastic and naturally assembly quality. As for the price, it may seem expensive, but on the other hand, a “full -fledged” Bridge with replaceable nozzles of sooo quality quality includes in the kit. Other manufacturers have so many, or even more, there is only one bridge.

Price from 40.43 $ (


  • Definitely plus for the idea and originality of the idea
  • Design
  • Equipment
  • Convenient to maintain a bridge
  • The taste of the complete Bridge


  • Not the most convenient implementation of refueling
  • Integrated drip type
  • Plastic threads
  • Noisy puff
  • Performance / assembly quality

Special thanks to the store for the sample provided.

Petushkov, also named phouse has written an Russian review on &, which are an Russian forums, click to view original reviews.


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